

下 Hsia

  1. 之對也,
    • Lower, a., 如 lower portion, 下部(指部位);
    • Inferior, a., 如 inferior officers, 下僚(指班次);
    • Low, a., 如 low situation, 下位.
  2. 也,
    • Next, a., 如 next time, 下次;
    • Following, a., 如 the following names, 下列諸名.
  3. 自上而下也,
    • Down, adv., 如 to go down, 下去;
    • To dismount (to alight), v., 如 to dismount a horse, 下馬.
  4. 自卑也,
    • To humble oneself, v., 如 he is anxious to humble himself to others, 慮以下人.